woman cutting flowers in a field and smiling

Gardening: Your New Years Resolution

Ashley van Raad

A New Year is upon us and that means it is time for New Year's Resolutions! Gardening is a fantastic hobby for several reasons, not only for the many rewards you may reap the mental health benefits.  

In this blog, we talk about why gardening should be one of your New Year's Resolutions; from the science behind the benefits of gardening and the practice of mindfulness, to how it can help save some extra dollars in your food budget, to how Hoselink can help make your gardening easy.  

With a new year comes new investments in many shapes and sizes. The most important is the one you make for yourself! One of the best parts about gardening is that when you invest in your garden and outdoor space, you also invest in yourself and your own habits. Even if you are starting with a blank canvas, a garden can inspire more time outdoors, exercising, socializing, healthier eating and the desire to learn more.  

Gardening and Mental Health  

Gardening combines all the things our body and mind thrive on, sunlight, social interaction, moving our bodies and exposure to nature.  
According to the Journal of Mental Health and Clinical Psychology, gardening has been used to treat several different mental health conditions successfully. Studies have shown that the fresh air, sunshine and social interaction that comes with being out in the garden, or any outdoor space, reduced stress. In the UK, Mind, a mental health charity, found that even having plants growing in rooms was beneficial to mental health. This has been related to the fact that they have similar characteristics to trees. This is because both plants and trees will cleanse and purify the air, and if you are putting plants indoors, it can provide a similar feeling of being outside. This is perhaps not surprising news, as you may recall times when you felt relaxed in nature.  

According to the National Library of Medicine, gardens have a long history of being therapeutic and even improving the lives of prisoners. Sufferers of PTSD have found gardening to be of great benefit in treating their mental health condition. There is substantial evidence and research to support gardening, so what have you got to lose? 

Whilst it’s great to get started with a new hobby, it’s also good to keep in mind that the learning curve may be steep, challenging and sometimes frustrating! But ultimately, it will be well worth it to persevere, as we learn more from failure than we ever do from success.  There are also plenty of activities you can do around the garden which don’t involve too much ‘thinking’ and therefore can be an excellent way to unwind after a busy day or week. Activities like raking the leaves, mowing the lawn, even watering can be soothing and will naturally help you to move your body and get some exercise in too, bonus!  

community garden gathering

Growing your own food to save money  

With the cost of living rapidly on the rise, growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs can save you lots of money. One of Hoselink’s long term partners; Self Sufficient Me, said it best: Grow things you’re going to eat! It’s easy to get caught up in cultivating things that are easy to grow, but not things you enjoy cooking with or eating. Consider what you are consuming most in your diet, maybe potatoes, apples, garlic and rosemary. From there, try to nail down growing one at a time. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn from growing just one thing.  

An inexpensive and inclusive hobby  

Gardening is a great activity for almost anyone! It’s inclusive and enjoyable whether you’re a child, a sibling, parent or grandparent, even your pets will enjoy spending time with you outdoors! Gardening doesn’t require any particular special skills and can be a fun way to bond with family members and friends.  

If you don’t have access to your own garden or outdoor space, a community garden is an excellent solution. Do some research around your local area and use it as an opportunity to meet some new people!  

Must Have Tools in the Garden 

As you begin your gardening journey in the new year, Hoselink has a great range of products to support you and make all your gardening activities a dream! Hoselink’s entire product range, particularly the Retractable Hose Reel, has been designed for gardeners of all ages. We created the Retractable Hose Reel for an easy watering experience and to encourage more fun time spent outside. Hoselink is known for it’s high quality craftsmanship, so you can’t go wrong! Experience the joys of watering your new seedlings and plants with a product built to stand the test of time.  

We recommend the Stand-Up Weed Puller (to hear what all the fuss is about) and try your hand at the satisfyingly simple act of weed pulling – don't knock it till you give it a go! This one is sure to be a crowd pleaser, with no excessive leaning or bending, and a built-in ejection system, you’ll have a perfect looking lawn in no time at all. Hint: it also makes the perfect gift!  

woman using stand up weed puller to pull weeds

A few other mentions for simple must haves like the slate plant labels and pen – to keep track of all your new seedlings and plant experiments. Other must haves include the secateurs; perfect for cutting and harvesting, and the planter bags for collecting waste or planting a bunch.  

boy pulling out carrot from garden with slate plant label placed

There you have it! Just a few simple reasons why gardening is your New Years Resolution! Be sure to check out our other blog posts for inspiration, product guides and how-to's to get you started on your gardening journey.  

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